Pink mountain rock salt for animals in Kenya | Salt licking Himalaya blocks for animals in Kenya | Better animal health salt blocks Kenya

Animal salt licking blocks supplier Kenya


 Get rid of animal diseases by giving them pink salt licking blocks

Our animal pink salt blocks are endowed with 84 different phyto-nutrients. A salt lick is a deposit of mineral salts used by animals to supplement their nutrition, ensuring that they get enough minerals in their diets. A wide assortment of animals, primarily herbivores, uses salt licks to get essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and zinc. When a salt lick appears, animals may travel to reach it, so the salt lick becomes a sort of rally point where lots of wildlife can be observed.
Animal salt lick is made entirely from pink Himalayan Crystal Salt. It comes with a hole drilled through the center of the block, plus a natural fiber rope to tie it to a fence post or other object. It’s best to keep the salt lick off the ground, tying it at the natural “snout height” of the animals you’re buying it for.

Farmers have historically provided salt licks for their animals to encourage healthy growth and development. Typically an animal salt lick in the form of a block is used in these circumstances, and the block may be mounted on a platform so that domesticated animals do not consume dirt from the ground along with the necessary salt. Salt blocks for farm animals can also be treated with medications, which may be convenient when someone needs to medicate a large group of animals.

Animal salt lick for animals suppliers in Kenya